New Products can be created here. Various options (Name, description, plans etc) related to the products are listed here and need to be filled for the creation of the product.

To create a new Product, follow these steps: Go to Admin Panel > Products >Add Products or Go to Admin Panel > Products >All Products > Create

A brief summary of all the options in this section is listed below:

Name: Name of the Product can be created here. This field is mandatory.

License Type: This describes what license type is to be linked with the product. The license type can be created from the settings and all the permissions for that license type can be defined there

Group: Here we can select to which group the product is related to be displayed on the client panel.The group can be created from Admin Panel > Product > Groups

Category: Here the category could be selected to which the product belongs. The category options are seeded by default.

Description: Product description can be entered here. TinyMce editor is used for entering the product description

Require Domain:  This checkbox determines whether entering domain will be mandatory or not for that particular product. If selected and saved the domain will be mandatory and the option for entering domain will automatically appear in the client and admin panel else not.

Shopping Cart Link: Here the link to the shopping cart could be entered. When someone tries to buy a product from the client Panel and clicks on the ‘Buy’ button, he will be redirected to this URL.

Hidden: This checkbox describes the selling status of the product. If the checkbox
is selected the product won’t be displayed on the client panel. Only when the checkbox is unchecked, is the product displayed on the client panel.

Show on Cart Page: This option determines whether Agents or Product Quantity needs to be shown on the cart page. This has two radio buttons(Agents, Product Quantity) and selecting either one of them is necessary.

  • Agents: When this radio button is selected a checkbox appears that whether you want your customers to modify the no. of Agents. If this checkbox is selected, your customers would be allowed to increase no. of Agents from the cart.
  • Product Quantity: When this radio button is selected, a checkbox appears whether you want your customers to modify the quantity of product from the cart. If this checkbox is selected, your customers would be allowed to increase/decrease the Product quantity from the cart.

Taxes: All the Tax Types that are created in the  Admin Panel > Settings >Tax > Create are listed here in this multiselect dropdown. Multiple tax types can be selected to allow taxes for the product. The taxes will be charged according to the country and state of the tax.

Click on Save  to retain the Product details

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