This page can be accessed by going to Admin Panel > Users > All Users > View.
Here the complete details of the User can be seen. At the right top corner is an option for generating the invoice manually by an admin. when this dropdown is selected a page opens up which has following options

  • Product: Here from the dropdown select the Product for which the invoice has to be generated is selected.
  • Subscription: After the product is selected all the subscriptions that are created appears in a dropdown list. Here, the subscription plan for that product can be selected.
  • Price : As soon as the subscription is selected, its price is populated in the text automatically.
  • Domain Name: Here, the name is entered on which the product will be uploaded.
  •  Coupons: Any coupon code can be generated and entered here in order to avail discount for the user
  • No. of Agents: If the Product has permission to Modeify Agents, a text field to modify Agents Appears

When generate button is clicked, an invoice and invoice item is automatically created in the database which stores information like Product Name ,GrandTotal , discounts(if any) , tax rates(if any), tax name, Final Price Price after tax etc.

Since only the Invoice is generated and payment is not done, so the payment status will still be pending.

So , after generating the invoice when you come back to the view page there will be 4 tabs namely:

Transaction detail :

1. This shows the Invoice Number of the invoice generated in the previous step.

2. Also , it shows the total price after the calculation of the taxes

3. The status will still be pending because the the payment is still hasn’t been made

4. The next is the Action button which has options for Execute Order, View Invoice

  • After the order is executed from here will the order status will change from pending to executed and will be appearing in the orders section of the Application. However, the payment is still pending.

Create Payment

  • For completing the payment, you can go to the payment option in the top-right dropdown and complete the payment there. Payment Date, method can be selected and the amount that is to be paid can be entered. Then the checkbox below can be checked to link the payment with a Particular invoice.
    Remember that only if the entered amount will be greater than or equal the grand total price will the status change to success, else it still be pending if  only partial amount and not the complete amount is entered.
    However, you can go to edit Payment section and link remaining Payment with the Invoice.
  • The invoice can be viewed in the next option where all the details of the invoice will be shown.

Customer Details: This tab shows all the details of the customer.

Payment Details: The details of the payment can be viewed here

Order Detail: Here the details of order can be viewed. The details include Date ,Product Name,Order No, Status of the order

By clicking on view in the Order Details Tab, all the details of the order, including thr domain name, the serial key that is generated and other order details can be viewed. Here, options for changing/reissuing the domain name, changing License, Updates and support expiry is present.

Also the Transaction list and Payment Receipts can be viewed here.

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