This section can be accessed by going to Admin Panel > Settings > License Permissions. Here License Type created is listed in a data table. Permission could be added to these License Types by clicking on Add Permissions button. A modal pops up which has following permissions which are seeded by default:
- Can be Downlaoded: Whether the Product can be downloaded or not after purchase. For Saas based License this remains unchecked
- Generate License Expiry Date: If this checkbox is selected, license expiry date would be generated after product purchase, else not
- Generate Updates Expiry Date: If this checkbox is selected, updates expiry date would be generated after product purchase, else not
- Generate Support Expiry Date: If this checkbox is selected, support expiry date would be generated after product purchase, else not
- No Permissions: No Permissions for the License Type
- Allow Downloads Before Updates Expire: If this checkbox is selected, all the versions of the product can be downloaded before the expiry date. Else if unchecked, after the expiry date no version can be downloaded.