This release aims at making Agora more stable. The highlights of the release are:
- Tax class rewritten
- Implementation of queues
- Implementation of laravel supported mail drivers
- Option to soft delete users
- Orders filters refinement
- Razorpay payment gateway as plugin
- Horizon to monitor queues
Bug Fixes
- Installer issues.
- Invoice Page Issues
- Payment gateway issues
- System/ Account Manager replacement bug fixed
- Email log loading issue
- Invoice creation from Admin panel issue
- Order filter bugs
- Partial payment not visible on dashboard
- Data getting rendered in the dashboard refinements
- Login page session expiry issue
- User Profile page issues
- Change update, license expiry date issue
- Various UI fixes in the system
- Generate pdf issue
- Bug while addition of multiple product in cart
- Coupon code issues
- Tax calculation issues
- Token expiry issue on form submits after session expires
- Installation showing active when user downloads a product(even if the product was not installed)
- Versions, expiry and installation status on View users in Admin Panel.
- Demo images and company name when the product is installed for the first time.
- Option to add GSTIN and CIN from settings