This module displays the list of all the users that are registered in the billing Application. The Users can be searched on the basis of their Name, Username, Company Name, Mobile, Email, Country, and Industries. In the data table below is the list of all the registered users, their email and the date on which […]
All posts by Bhanu
Here, Groups can be created which can be linked to the Product during the time of Product Creation. This determines under what group should a Product gets displayed under. To view all the groups you need to Go to Admin Panel > Products > Groups. Here, the list of all the groups that are created […]
Agora Billing provides a feature for Coupon generation in the case to avail discounts for its users. This module allows admin to view all the coupons, a create a new coupon and edit them. To view all the coupons you need to Go to Admin Panel > Products > Coupons. Here, the list of all […]
This module will allow the admin to view various Plans created for the Products. New Plans can be created here and also the existing plans can be edited. Create a Plan To create a new Plan admin should Go to Admin Panel > Product > Plans > Create. When Create button is clicked a modal […]
Edit Product
This module will allow admin to view all the Products Details and edit them. Also, the create button present at the top will redirect the admin to the Add Products Page which is described in the Add Product Section. If the Product has permission to be downloaded, a Download Button will appear to download it […]
Add Products
New Products can be created here. Various options (Name, description, plans etc) related to the products are listed here and need to be filled for the creation of the product. To create a new Product, follow these steps: Go to Admin Panel > Products >Add Products or Go to Admin Panel > Products >All Products […]
PHP IDE & Debugging for Laravel
Overview A coding standards document tells developers how they must write their code. Instead of each developer coding in their own preferred style, they will write all code to the standards outlined in the document. This makes sure that a large project is coded in a consistent style — parts are not written differently by […]
Programming Standards
Overview While programming we need to follow guidelines, here are some guidelines. These guidelines are in general for PHP, HTML and Android development. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and i will spend the first four sharpening the axe” – Abraham Lincoln Requirement Manual Planning, organisation and teamwork are key to success. […]
Support the community edition
If you are using our product and want to support us, we do accept tips, Rest assured any amount received will be utilised for R&D to make Agora better. Support us, so we can in return support your business by offering an amazing open source software to handle your support.
Contribution Guide
Introduction Agora Invoicing is an open-source project and anyone may contribute to Agora for its improvement. We welcome contributors, regardless of skill level, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Having a diverse, vibrant community is one of the core values of the framework! The Faveo source code is managed on Github To Contribute to Agora Invoicing […]